Learn from the experts with a vast experience of 1 decade in industry
We support Both Offline and Online class based on convenient
24x7 Learning support from mentors to resolve any conceptual doubts
Explore the Course Materials, Interview Prep Questions, Practical Labs, and more!
Education is any kind of knowledge transitioned into learning.
NextGen Technology as a MSME (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) certified training Centre typically focuses on providing specialized training and development includes Advanced Python,Artificial intelligence ,Data Science,Full Stack Development,Robotics,IOT,Embedded etc. preparing individuals for careers in the rapidly evolving technology sectors and specialized job markets. Our offerings include guidance on IEEE projects for final-year students, internship opportunities, faculty development initiatives, digital marketing, educational programs for school students, and comprehensive training for TNPSC Group exams. We are dedicated to shaping the next generation of tech professionals and supporting their career aspirations.
Skilled Instructors
Online/Offline Training
Domain Development
Afordable Fee
100% Placement Support
Full Stack Developer
Thank you NextGen technology for Excellent training and placing me as full stack developer
Python Intern
I Learned python internship, its really helped for me. thank you NextGenTechnology vellore for my intern project on python.
I Learned FUll Stack, staff are very well experts, trained me everything in easy way
Excellent Course! I just finished the python at NextgenTechnology and I am very satisfied! The training was insightful, and the practical exercises helped solidify my understanding.
I thoroughly enjoyed my time in the python training at Nextgentech The curriculum was comprehensive, and the hands-on projects were incredibly useful.